What Are Perpetual Futures And How Do They Work?

Cryptocurrency Future: Understanding Permanent Future Agreements

In recent years, the cryptocurrency world has experienced rapid growth and innovation. One of the innovative aspect of this industry is the eternal transaction of the future, the type of financial derivative that offers investors unique trade opportunities. In this article, we will delve into the permanent future contracts as they work and their possible benefits and restrictions.

What are the Treaties of the Eternal Future?

The perpetual fuzers, also known as eternal contracts or permanent swaps, are a type of financial derivative that allows traders to continuously buy or sell an asset, such as Bitcoin or Ethereum, without the need for daily settlement. This means that buyers can buy or sell their assets at any time, without the need to close their positions or settle before selling new ones.

Perpetual fouling is usually associated with a fixed price for a basic asset, and traders are allowed to buy and sell at this price until the stock exchange is “closed”. When the eternal future term expires, its value is determined by the underlying asset closure price, and all unpaid positions are automatically settled.

How does the eternal future contracts work?

To understand how the eternal transaction of the future works, let’s divide the process:

Initial Setup

What Are Perpetual Futures

: The trader sets a permanent future contract with the exchange, indicating the fixed price of the underlying asset, the duration of trade (such as 30 days) and all other relevant parameters.

  • When buying or selling : The trader can buy or sell their assets at any time during the trading period, using “Buy” or “Sell” order at any time trading.

Closing of position : When the eternal future ends, the exchange is automatically closed by the trader’s position, which can pass unpaid positions on behalf of the trader.

  • Closing Pricing : The basis for the closure of the underlying asset determines the value of the permanent future after the term.

Benefits of Perpetual Futures

The perpetual Futures offers a number of benefits to traders:

Applications : Merchants can reinforce their position size through eternal future contracts, allowing them to control higher positions with less capital.

  • Flexibility : Permanent future contracts provide a high degree of elasticity in terms of trading frequency and duration, allowing traders to adapt to changing market conditions.

There is no daily settlement : With permanent future contracts, merchants do not have to worry about daily billing fees or spare calls.

Permanent Future Contract Restrictions

While permanent future contracts offer many benefits, there are also some limitations:

Liquidity risk : Permanent future contracts may not be as liquid as traditional assets, difficult for traders to quickly close positions.

  • Market volatility : Merchants should take caution when working with permanent future contracts, as market volatility can lead to significant price movements and possible losses.

Complexity : Understanding the mechanics of permanent future contracts requires a basic understanding of financial derivatives, which can be defiant for some traders.


Pervetual Futures is an innovative aspect of the cryptocurrency industry that offers investors unique trading opportunities. By providing the risk of attracted funds, flexibility and daily billing, permanent future contracts do not have the potential to democratize access to traditional assets and provide new types of trade strategy. However, merchants should be aware of the restrictions and complexity related to these derivatives before deciding to participate in the eternal future.


If you are considering permanent future contracts as part of your cryptocurrency strategy, it is important:

  • Educate yourself : Understand the constant mechanics of future contracts and how they work.


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