Ethereum: Contract creation confusion — Unsure when my contract was deployed

Ethereum Contract Creation Confusion: Unsure When My Contract Was Deployed

Ethereum: Contract creation confusion -- Unsure when my contract was deployed

As a user of the popular Ethereum blockchain, I recently found myself in a difficult situation. After deploying a new contract on Fuji Testnet about 3 hours ago, I made a critical mistake that left me perplexed. The address associated with my newly created contract is as follows: 0xDb3F493F9D4CdaaDA08E30957c59a0e01CfB2af0.

My problem is that I received an expected record of transactions and events from Snowtrace, a popular decentralized analytics platform. The expected result was as follows:

“Expecting to see: [insert list of expected records]”.

However, after reviewing the deployment status of my contract on Fuji Testnet, I noticed something was wrong. The contract deployment status does not match the expected Snowtrace records.

This left me wondering if I had inadvertently created a broken contract or if I had made a critical mistake during deployment. I have tried to fix the issue, but I am still stumped.

A Closer Look at My Contract Deployment

To better understand what went wrong, I decided to take a closer look at the deployment status of my contract. While reviewing the contract code and bytecode, I noticed that I had made an error in the address field of the contract constructor function.

According to the Ethereum documentation, the address field should be set to the default network or testnet address. However, in my case, I had accidentally set it to a non-existent address on Fuji Testnet.

A message from the Snowtrace community

I reached out to the Snowtrace community and asked for their help in resolving this issue. One of their team experts offered some valuable advice:

“We’re sorry to hear that you’re having issues with your contract implementation. Make sure to double-check your contract builder function code, especially the “address” field. Also, make sure to double-check your contract address using Snowtrace or other trusted sources.”

Next Steps

To resolve this issue, I plan to take the following steps:

  • Re-examine my contract deployment status and verify that all fields are set correctly.
  • Contact Snowtrace for further assistance and guidance on troubleshooting the issue.
  • Update my contract code and deploy it again to make sure everything is correct.

I hope this article has shed some light on the confusion surrounding Ethereum contract creation and implementation. If you have experience implementing contracts or troubleshooting issues, please feel free to share your knowledge in the comments below.

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