Ethereum: How to sign an Ethereum message in C#

Ethereum: Signing Ethereum Messages in C#

= // Create a new JSON-RPC provider instance with your RPC URL

const jsonProvider = new JsonRpcProvider(” 85465);

// Get the Ethereum address from the response data

const message =;

// Convert the private key to bytes

const privateKeyBytes = await privateKey.GetBytes();

// Sign a message using the JSON-RPC provider with the Ethers.js library

const signedMessage = await jsonProvider.sign(message, privateKeyBytes);

Signing Ethereum messages

Ethereum: How to sign Ethereum message in C#


In this example, we will use the

`` // Create an Ethers Signer instance with your private key and provider

const ethersSigner = new ethers.Maks(privateKeyStr, jsonProvider);

// Sign a message using the signer instance

const signedMessage = await ethersSigner.signMessage(message);

Example Use Case


In this example, we will create a simple C

program to test Ethereum message signing. We will use the ethers package to interact with the Ethereum wallet and sign the message.

// Create a new Ethers Provider instance

const provider = new ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider(" 85465);

// Get the private key from your Ethereum wallet

await privateKey.GetBytesAsync();

// Define a sample message to sign

const message = "Hello, world!";

// Create an Ethers Signer instance with a private key and provider

const ethersSigner = new ethers.Max(privateKeyBytes, provider);

// Sign a message using the signer instance

const signedMessage = await ethersSigner.signMessage(message);

Note: Replace ” with your actual Ethereum RPC URL. Be sure to also replace “privatekey” and “privateKeyBytes” with the actual private key bytes.

After following this article, you should now have a working example of signing Ethereum messages in C#. You can use this code as a starting point to build more complex applications that interact with the Ethereum blockchain using the Ethers.js library.

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